All round the world, thousands of webmasters are anxiously checking their page ranking, worrying about their position in the SERPS and nervously checking the forums for the latest whisperings on the pronouncements of the Great God Google. Pity, because it all seems to be largely a waste of time, and here's why.

Here's a tale of three of my web sites.

Web site A is what is known as a mini site. It consists of a sales page and not a great deal else. According to the latest search engine optimization whispers, they are out of favor with Google.

Web site B is also a hated mini site.

Web site C has been created to be a resource, in accord with the latest search engine optimization whispers. It is crammed with 150-200 pages or more of good solid content, mostly articles, which are all exclusive, original and entirely unduplicated elsewhere.

According to the perceived wisdom, web site C is a search engine's dream and so should have the highest ranking.


Both hated mini site A and hated mini site B enjoy page rankings, whilst the content rich 150 page resource site C has a big fat zero!

So what is the difference between these three web sites$%: Longevity: web site A was my first web site, created back in days of yore, when mini-sites were all the rage. Web site B has been around for a couple of years and it took me from June through August last year to write all those original unique articles and build my flagship 150 page web site.

Of course, we webmasters must not run away with the idea Google is there for our convenience. Certainly not. Their stated mission is to provide the searcher with the most comprehensive and relevant information. Which rather begs the question how come the 150 page site, full of original and relevant content -- which would surely be of some value and interest to searchers -- has no page rank, whilst two purely money grabbing, hated mini sites have page ranks$%:

It's hard to avoid the conclusion these much vaunted algorithms are, in reality, simply an elapsed timer: the longer your web site has been around, the better the page rank -- never mind the quality, feel the age.

So, what do you do for traffic whilst you sit around for a year or two, waiting for your web site to come of age and be awarded a page rank$%:

You remove yourself pretty smartly from the Alice in Wonderland world of search engine optimization and instead step into a wonderful, friendly parallel universe where real people communicate, inform and make money directly with real people, without wasting another minute trying to second guess the whims of the search engines.

Meet the article.

You are reading one now and it's the finest way of contacting potential customers, because it allows them to "sample" you before they visit your web site. Then, when they do arrive at your site, they are in a more receptive frame of mind than if they had come either via paid advertising or even that coveted search engine listing. And that's just for starters.

  • You actually get better conversion rates from visitors to customers, than if they come across you in the search engine lists.
  • You get far, far better conversion rates from visitors to customers, than you would if they come to your web site via an advert.
  • If you write your own articles (which is dead easy once you know the right way) it's totally free. Alternatively you can get good original articles, ghost written for your exclusive use, for far less than you would spend on buying advertising (which doesn't work half as well as an article does).
  • The final, delicious irony is this: article marketing can get you listed on the first page of the search engine results in days, without all that tweaking and worry or paying an arm and a leg to a search engine geek.

Copyright 2007 Paul Hooper-Kelly and


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